Notice That after you have created an account you will be charged every month $19.99 per month to have access of all the games on the site. This is part of our agreement with the developers of each game. For anymore questions email


    There are three options for payments.


    • Monthly

    -Pay for a single month for your games. You can renew your games after your games permissions overdue for each single month.

    • 3 Months

    - Pay for three Months  plan. Three months plan will be more affordable than Monthly plan, you will get discount for three Months plan. For three Months plan, you can save five dollars.

    • Yearly

    -Pay for Yearly plan. You can play the game for whole year by single purchase. You don't need to worry about your game will be overdue during the whole year. The price is the most affordable, and you can save thirty dollars for your  Yearly plan.


     System will remind you when your games will be overdue soon.






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